Raising Dinah

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Few of My Favorite…And Least Favorite Things: Home Edition

I have learned that, in construction, nothing ever goes as planned. I have also learned that it strains your marriage, and your patience. I’ve heard that building a house will test a marriage, and that is from people who have sub-contractors do the actual work. Doing the work yourself is a whole new ballgame. And, as many delays as you have when having a house built, you encounter so many more when you do the work yourself and only have evenings after a full day of work, and weekends. This results in being physically exhausted and emotionally drained. Add to the mix a 5th wheel with many problems, no A/C or heat. Then, when you think you’ve had enough, add a pregnancy. This describes my life in the past 9 months.

I am happy to report that I am still happily married. I am also happy to report that, by the grace of God and the generosity of our pastor and his wife, we are no longer residents of a 5th wheel. It is my firm belief that if that were not the case, you would be reading my obituary right now and not a blog post. No air conditioner and being 6 months pregnant don’t mix.

A couple nights ago, I took the time to walk around the property and see it for what it is. I have found that this time of year, it yields things I love, and things I hate. We’ll start with my least favorite and save the best for last. After all, we want to end on a positive note, right?

Least favorite, # 1:
Poison Ivy. I haven’t gotten it this year yet, thankfully. I had it pretty bad last year at two different times, which resulted in two doctor’s visits, shots, steroids, and misery. It represents all the evil in the world.  It prevents me from enjoying the entirety of our property, because I see it and retreat. It’s everywhere.

Least favorite, #2:
Mosquitoes. Need I say more? Although, if I had to choose, I would much rather have mosquitoes than poison ivy.

And, finally, what I DO like about the place.

Favorite, #1:

Blackberries! We don’t have big patches, but we have a few bushes sprinkled here and there. I love blackberries. They remind me of summertime and childhood. And, they're yummy.

Favorite, #2:

He makes me happy. I love that smile, and so much more.
(I told you I was saving the best for last.)

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